Watchout Makes An Entrance At The CDC

Dataton Watchout,™ the multi-display presentation system, was used to create the stunning 18-screen multimedia production entitled “Global Symphony” that adorns the enormous, atrium-style, entrance to the Global Communications Center at the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in Atlanta, GA.

The entrance at the CDC’s Global Communications Center welcomes visitors with screens cascading down a multi-tiered space. The cascade is a loose “architectural” collection of nine projected displays and nine additional 46” plasma screens. The hero screen, 1×20, has dual projection.

Everyone entering the Global Communications Center passes by the 100’-wide arc of screens; and even at high noon the brightness of the rear projection screens overcomes significant ambient light levels. There’s a viewing platform–a promontory observation point–over which hangs the “Cloud,” with overlapping curved planes that serve as screens for a rainbow of brilliant, programmed LED colors.

The Dataton Watchout program runs in “random coolness” mode–continuously random still imagery, some animated. As visitors walk onto the viewing platform, a sensor switches the 18 screens to “stories” mode, which shows documentary-style content. Batwin & Robin Productions of New York, who were in charge of production, designed and produced a rich melange of content including fully panoramic, 18-screen movies purpose-shot internationally, making the Watchout “Show Folder” tip the scales at nearly 300GB.

Visuals and WATCHOUT programming: Douglas Mesney, Incredible Images
System design: Tim Creed, Communications Electronics Design
Install: Communications Electronics Design
Medialon coding: John Sacrenty, Transworld Studios
Production: Batwin & Robin Productions