Cirque Du Soleil Sparked Life Into Lampshade Quadcopters

Cirque du Soleil explores the combination of technology and art in "Sparked: A Live Interaction Between Humans And Quadcopters," released on Monday, September 22, according to CNET.

The video follows a lamp repairman whose lamps come to life after he blows a fuse working late one night. The flying lampshades are actually nicely dressed quadcopters, or drones.

Cirque's executive creative director Welby Altidor wanted to see how this new technology could be taken to a more artistic or personal level through storytelling. The flying lampshades convey human attributes as they first react nervously to the repairman and then begin to play with him.

In conjunction with ETH Zurich and Verity Studios, Cirque produced the romantic, magical video where humans and drones move in sync in interactive choreography, never actually showing the machines. Precise computer control allows for this impressive display of the technology used in entertainment. 

Watch "Sparked" below.

For the full article, visit CNET.