Residence: Chicago, IL
Current project(s): Sound design for Mary Poppins at Paramount Theatre in Aurora, associate sound design for Dee Snider’s Rock & Roll Christmas Tale.
Most notable achievements: Hearing my work at international theatre festivals in Romania and Sydney, Australia.
When I started in this industry: I began working backstage in high school in 1997; I started focusing on sound design in 2003.
How I got into this industry: I was very interested in the technical parts of theatre while in middle school. At the time, I had no idea it was a viable career option, but I couldn’t be happier getting to be a sound designer for a living.
Influences: Paul Phillips originally got me involved in theatre, so he gets credit for my career path. Once I became focused on sound design, I went to see (and listen to) as many shows as I could; Jonathan Deans’ work on Cirque du Soleil shows and other Broadway designers like Abe Jacob and Acme Sound Partners were part of my learning process. I also have to credit my professors Matt Knewtson, Vinnie Olivieri, and Mike Hooker.

Worst advice I’ve ever heard: “Your ears will be fine.” I almost always have hearing protection with me. My ears are my career. I call them my “carears.” (I don’t really call them that. But I might start.)
Best advice I’ve ever heard: “Go see shows.” I learn something from every single show I see.
My favorite thing about the production industry: I love the people I work with. Putting shows together with the designers, production people, and performers in the industry are why I do this. I have fun on every single show I am a part of. I love laughing and creating art with my peers.
Favorite design/programming/technical trick: I have to credit fellow designer Ray Nardelli with this one: Any time I have a keyboard part in a show, I use a separate output for “keys sub” to add extra low end to certain patches without pushing their overall volume.

Plans for the future: I’d love to keep my calendar filled with productions that make me feel excited, challenged, and happy, but isn’t that everyone’s plan? I love what I do, so I look forward to finding out what the future holds.
Other interests/side gigs: I’m also very passionate about mixing shows. I’ve been lucky enough to mix various shows all around the world. From symphonic concerts to hip-hop Shakespeare productions, I love being behind a sound board.
Awards, honors: BA from Western Michigan University, MFA from University of California, Irvine.
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