Lighting designer Anne Militello presents her History Of Women In Lighting talk as part of a series of community events offered by Studio School Of Design on March 24, but first, this weekend, they present on March 19 @ 10am Eastern: Color And Light In A Mixed Source World: Inaugurating a partnership with the Chelsea Factory in New York City, Studio School of Design will be presenting this special two-hour Saturday morning IN-PERSON seminar in Manhattan. Lighting designer, educator, and author Clifton Taylor, and product manager for Entertainment Controls at ETC Nick Gonsman will present their ideas about color control and manipulation and tools for success in working with our hybrid, mixed-source fixture world coming out of the pandemic. Register Here.

* March 24 @ 7pm Eastern: A History of Women In Lighting Design: Veteran lighting designer Anne Militello discusses the history of women in lighting and the pioneers who blazed new trails for female designers and industry leaders. Learn more about the influential designers you have heard about, and discover some you may not have! Register Here. Online.
Special Events:
• Event Safety Alliance: Four upcoming events at Rock Lititz, PA, Details here.
* Entertainment Rigging Workshop, March 20 & 21;
* Crowd Safety Symposium, March 20 & 21;
• Stage Electrics, March 20 & 21;
• Event Safety Summit, March 22-24: In-person and online.
• Geezers of Gear: Marcel Fairbairn interviews Josh Weisberg: Josh has literally been in the business four decades, and still rolling! He co-founded Scharff Weisberg, went on to merge and become WorldStage (leaving long before their demise), founded a consulting firm and now, a new stage of his career, which he breaks on our podcast! This episode is brought to you by
• Artistic Finance: Lighting designer Lap Chi Chu discusses career finances and the importance of paying off debt early, on Ethan Steimel's Artistic Finance podcast. Chu talks about incorporating as a freelancer at age 45 and his most "lucrative" job designing The Wolves. Thirty years ago, he set up a SIMPLE IRA and still contributes to it. He recommended paying off loans early, even if the payments are small and manageable. Chu also talks about how consistent paychecks from repeat shows or teaching jobs are what make entertainment jobs "lucrative," rather than big paychecks. Listen Here.
• Light Talk Episode 258: The Best Of Light Talk: Marc Brickman: In this "Best of Light Talk" episode of LIGHT TALK (originally aired on January 20, 2020), the Lumen Brothers interview production designer, producer, director, and legendary rock n' roll lighting designer, Marc Brickman. Join David, Marc, Stan, and Steve as they pontificate about: Designing in the moment; The theatrical nature of Marc's designs; Bruce Springsteen and how to be spontaneous; Wild Syncs; Lighting without time-code; David Byrne and the artistic connection; Jazz and staying in the groove; How technology affected Marc's design career; Moving lights in X,Y,Z axis; Watching the laser table burn; "Look at the Fader"... Some of the most effective lighting moments come from mistakes; Keeping your eyes open for opportunity; Rediscovering the mystery; The myth of big LED screens; Managing expectations; Who is afraid of the dark?; The negative space between the light; "Once Upon a Dream"; Landing the Pink Floyd "The Wall" gig; Using Telescans as overhead projectors; The iconic giant Division Bell Tour mirror ball; Marc's personal night club below the Floyd mixing desk; Marc's battle with his neighbors; Present artistic projects; Tactical Manoeuver; the Empire State Building installation; The brilliant Genesis "The Way We Walk Tour" design; The Golden Age of Rock n' Roll Design; and Yoda Advice to students of lighting design. Listen here: