Scharff Weisberg Announces Major Equipment Inventory Purchases

Scharff Weisberg

recently added numerous new items to its inventory of state-of-the-art video equipment. Included in the purchase were 15 new projectors, including the Barco SLM R10 and RLM G5 and Christie Digital L8 and LX20, two new High End Systems Catalyst systems, eight AV Stumpfl screens, and five NEC 61" plasma panels.

It's important to our clients that we offer the latest and best equipment," commented Scharff Weisberg VP of staging Michael Halper. "Our recent acquisitions represent the state of the art in the industry and have been thoroughly researched in terms of quality and relevance to our clients' business."

The largest portion of the purchase is new video projectors, with models from Barco and Christie Digital selected to provide a wide range of performance and cost options. The new Catalyst systems will be put to work immediately on the Broadway production of Wicked, which opens in San Francisco in June before coming to New York in October. The AV Stumpfl projection screens were chosen for their fast-fold capabilities and square corners.

In other equipment news, the company will be purchasing new audio equipment including a 48-input Midas Heritage 3000 console and linear-array speaker system. Research is also being completed on a new high-resolution video switching.