LRLR Raffle And BTS Boutique Benefit Behind The Scenes At USITT

The Long Reach Long Riders and Behind the Scenes will host their annual fundraising raffle at the USITT Conference March 3-5, 2022 in Baltimore, MD. This year’s raffle will celebrate the 19th anniversary of the Long Reach Long Riders annual charity motorcycle ride. The Riders, who have raised over $800,000 for charity in their years of touring, will be riding June 18-24 on the “Blue Ridge Ramble” tour through the Appalachian Mountains.

The Behind the Scenes Boutique will also be open for business during the show featuring an assortment of great Behind the Scenes swag and the famous Long Reach Long Rider T-shirts and kazoos.

Tickets for the raffle are an affordable $5 each or 5 for $20 and can be purchased at the Behind the Scenes booth throughout the show. Winning tickets for nine regular prizes and one grand prize will be drawn at 1pm on Saturday, the final day of Stage Expo.

The prizes, provided by our generous donors, are: Grand Prize, Spotlight with Renderworks from Vectorworks; Ghostlight from Altman Lighting; SpotFX unit with battery pack and gobos from Apollo Design, American Express Gift Card from Barbizon; Event Safety Summit 2023 Registration from the Event Safety Alliance; Nespresso CitiZ Espresso Machine with Aeroccino Milk Frother from IA Stage; $250 Gift Certificate to from Musson Theatrical; $250 Gift Certificate from Sapsis Rigging; ProPlus™ Rope Access Harness from Showtech Australia; and a USITT 2023 Full Conference Registration from USITT.

All proceeds from the raffle and boutique sales benefit Behind the Scenes, which provides financial assistance to entertainment technology professionals who are seriously ill or injured and provides tools and resources to the industry through its Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Initiative.

For additional information about Behind the Scenes, visit or call 212-244-1421. For more information about the Long Reach Long Riders, visit