The Long Reach Long Riders Approach Charity Fundraising Milestone

The Long Reach Long Riders' annual charity motorcycle ride that benefits Behind the Scenes and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS is only a month away.  The organizers have announced that the group is within striking distance of a major fundraising milestone as donations since the groups inception in 2004 now total $970,981.

Dubbed the “Blue Ridge Ramble,” this year's event begins on June 18 in Charlotte, North Carolina and returns to Charlotte on June 24th.  During that week, the ride will feature twisting mountain roads, sweeping parkway curves and the beautiful countryside of both Carolinas, Tennessee, and Georgia.   

Greg Williams, co-ride marshal with Alice Neff, noted, “This year’s route is really exciting. In addition to the Blue Ridge Parkway, we’ll be riding some very famous motorcycle roads including The Snake, Tail of the Dragon and the Cherohala Skyway. The days will be filled with rewarding rides along the ridgelines and through sweeping valleys, taking in the best scenery the early summer has to offer in the Appalachian Mountains. Evenings will be spent in historic inns located in history-rich towns tucked away in the Blue Ridge Mountains, with the possibility of a ghost hunt in at least one of the old inns. Who knows... maybe we'll even get to see the spirit of Nancy Ward.”

Alice Neff commented, “We have a number of new riders this year and I’m looking forward to meeting them as well as seeing old friends who’ve ridden with us before.”

The Long Reach Long Riders have been riding since 2004 and have raised over $900,000.00 in support of Behind the Scenes and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.

Please visit for more information and to make a donation.