LDI2021: A Paradise For Lighting Programmers

With LDI2021 right around the corner, now is the time to register for classes designed for lighting programmers, to top up your skills or conquer new ones:


The Lighting Programming Summit on the afternoons of Friday 11/19: Day 1: Battle of the Busk and Saturday 11/20: Day 2: Cue4Me. Check out the details and use promo code INST15 for a 15% discount.

Plus hands-on console programming with the grandMA3: including a 3-day Intermediate grandMA3 class and one-day grandMA Pro Conversion classes in English and Spanish. Use promo code INST15 for a 15% discount.

LDInnovation Conference:

The Art of Programming-Lighting Consoles: Four enlightening sessions with top programmers. Use promo code LDICON15 for a 15% discount

And there are many sessions in the Live Event Technology & Design series that address various angles of lighting Use promo code LDICON15 for a 15% discount.

Register today at www.ldishow.com 

And make LDI2021 an investment in your future!