Innova-Son Goes Live at the Grammys

This year' s Grammy ceremony grabbed the headlines with the rap singer Eminem controversy. But France-based Innova-Son would like to mention its own, albeit non-controversial, 2000 Grammy Awards appearance. A pair of Innova-Son Grand Live Digital Consoles flanked the FOH position ensuring a successful mixing night for The 43rd Annual Grammys. The ceremony was held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on February 23rd.

Burbank, CA-based ATK Audio orchestrated the evening's audio and provided the Innova-Son consoles. Rob "Cubby" Colby mixed FOH with Andrew "Fletch" Fletcher. In addition to assisting during the actual performances, Fletcher set up and programmed the Innova-Son consoles during rehearsals. Mike Stewart, of ATK Audio, mixed production audio (podium mics, lavaliers, audio from video, clips, etc.).

The two Innova-Son Grand Live Digital Consoles were supplemented by a pair of Amek Recall Consoles at FOH. Each Innova-Son console was paired with a Recall, and while one set of consoles mixed an act, Fletcher configured the other one for the subsequent act. The Innova-Son consoles were responsible for percussion, horns, and sixteen channels of ProTools.

Innova-Son manufactures a line of digital products for live touring, radio and television, performing arts centers and general sound reinforcement applications.

Photo courtesy of Innova-Son.