Draft Standard For Portable Power Feeder Cables In Public Review

The draft standard BSR E1.18-1 - 200x, Standard for the Selection, Installation, and Use of Single-Conductor Portable Power Feeder Cable Systems for Use at 600 Volts Nominal or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy in the Entertainment and Live-Event Industries, is available for free download and public review through February 23, 2009. (The document will no longer be available on and after February 24.)

BSR E1.18-1 is part of a larger E1.18 project to offer guidance on portable power feeder cable systems. This particular draft document contains the majority of the recommendations, suitable for most common portable power distribution situations. Public comment is requested so that the draft standard may reflect the consensus of informed opinion in the live entertainment industry.

For more information, please contact:

Karl G. Ruling
ESTA Technical Standards Manager
875 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1005
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 1-212-244-1505 | Fax 1-212-244-1502