Tools Of The Trade: REDWash 3-192 From Robe Lighting

Robe’s REDWash 3•192 is the first in a series of new moving head wash lights based on RED (Robe Emitted Diode) technology. The fixture features 192 Luxeon Rebel LEDs and provides a rectangular light field with manual control of beam spreads. Supplied with a 25º “egg crate” lens module, with 15º, 45º, and 15ºx45º options also available, the unit’s LEDs are tightly arranged for optimized homogeneous color distribution and uniform shadow behavior.

The linear optical layout is suited to flooding large areas with color and creating impact for live audiences via varying pan/tilt positions. Rectangular light output is divided up into four sections for producing rainbow, color, and other effects. The unit is RDM-compatible, and menu configurations and DMX address patches can be set up remotely from a computer running Robe RDMNet software and linked via the DreamBox USB interface. Additional features include strobe effects and ArtNet-compatibility.