City Theatrical’s Multiverse® wireless DMX/RDM technology is now included as a standard feature in all three new ColorSource V fixtures, launched worldwide via ETC’s launch event on November 10, 2022.
The ColorSource V product family provides a range of LED luminaires that bring a richness of color, increased brightness, and leading technology at an affordable price point to live entertainment lighting professionals. The integration of Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM technology into these new ColorSource V products comes as part of the strategic direction to make Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM technology and its benefits, including flexibility, scalability, and ease of use, available to a wider range of live entertainment end users.
“Whether you’re making the next blockbuster film or the next middle school theatre production, Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM solves problems for shows of all levels,” said Luke Delwiche, ETC Entertainment Market Manager. “As the ColorSource V product family and other ETC product families grow, we continue to see Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM technology as an integral feature for our end users.”
Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM technology is currently offered as onboard wireless DMX technology native to many ETC light fixtures as part of an OEM manufacturing partnership. In addition to the recently launched ColorSource V light fixtures, including the ColorSource Spot V, ColorSource Fresnel V, and ColorSource Spot VXT, Multiverse wireless DMX comes as standard onboard technology in ETC’s Source Four LED Series 3, Desire Fresnel, fos/4 Fresnel, fos/4 Panel, ColorSource Relay, and HQ-100 Performance Hazer solutions.
City Theatrical's Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM system can broadcast as many as 10 universes of DMX data from a single Multiverse Transmitter, while producing less radio energy than present-day single universe systems. This patented Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM technology enables scalability of wireless lighting data like never before, with solutions that allow larger and larger systems to be scaled up without producing harmful amounts of radio energy that could disrupt other wireless systems in the venue. Multiverse Transceivers are covered by U.S. Patent # 7,432,803 and other patents pending. The 900MHz band is licensed for use in North America only.
Among the most widely used wireless DMX solutions by City Theatrical is Multiverse SHoW Baby®, which is a wireless DMX transceiver that delivers breakthrough plug and play wireless DMX and RDM transmission. In its default mode, it works like any of the tens of thousands of units sold since their introduction in 2011, including SHoW Baby 6, with six user selectable SHoW IDs. By connecting an RDM controller, like DMXcat® Multi Function Test Tool, all of the revolutionary new 2.4GHz Multiverse SHoW IDs are accessible.
Multiverse SHoW Baby 2.4GHz plug and play technology can be paired with the onboard Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM technology available with the new ETC ColorSource V product family of products. Multiverse Show Baby wireless DMX systems set the standard for ease of use and reliability for wireless DMX at an affordable price point.
To re-watch ETC’s ColorSource V product launch video, visit: