Bon Iver Autumn Tour

A judging panel of entertainment professionals shortlisted Michael Brown's design for the Bon Iver Autumn Tour for the Arena Lighting Award in the Concert Touring & Events category in Live Design's 2020 Design Achievement Awards. Vote for the most outstanding projects now!

The Bon Iver Autumn Tour featured the first touring arena production that utilized beam targeting automation technology that allowed the tracking of the Robe MegaPointe beam to the generative 3D shapes of the mirrors. In collaboration with Berlin-based WHITEvoid and Kinetic Lights, lighting designer Michael Brown created a design centered around the mirror-like technology WHITEvoid's Christopher Bauder had used in the art installation, SKALAR. The diamond band configuration which Brown and Bon Iver's Justin Vernon developed fed directly into the design of the space and the geometry of the show. 


Check out the Theatre shortlistLive for Broadcast shortlist and Concert Touring & Events shortlist, and vote for the most outstanding projects now! Voting ends October 22.

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