Lumen Brothers Discuss Red Alert

In this episode of Light Talk, the Lumen Brothers discuss everything from #WeMakeEvents to how we can all help the live event industry.

Join Steve Woods (SMU), Stan Kaye (University of Florida), and David Jacques (California State University Long Beach), Ellen Lampert-Greaux (creative and conference director at LDI), Stephanie Freed, and Brad Nelms as they pontificate about: The horrible financial challenges our friends and colleagues are facing; Big plans for big cities; The genesis of the project; The Restart Act; #WeMakeEvents; Legislative challenges; Press coverage; Save Our Stages; The issues with unemployment insurance; 1099's; PUA and FPUC; People want to work; Arguments against ignorant comments; Manufacturers and production support shops' challenges; Celebrity PSA's; Event structure; Live feed; The future of #WeMakeEvents and RED ALERT; and How we can all help.