Evening Forecast For April 28, 2020

With COVID-19-related deaths spiraling past the 55,000 threshold in the United States alone, perhaps we will be “zooming” around the Internet for a while longer than anticipated. Luckily, there seems to be an unending stream of content available to keep even the most inquisitive minds busy. Here’s a peek at some of the things available for Tuesday, April 28:

8pm EDT: New York City Ballet’s Digital Spring Season continues with George Balanchine’s Apollo, filmed on January 22, 2019. Featuring Taylor Stanley in his debut with Tiler Peck, Brittany Pollack, and Indiana Woodward. Introduced by ballet master Craig Hall, Apollo is the oldest Balanchine ballet in the NYCB repertory. Over the years, there have been three lighting designers for Apollo: Jean Rosenthal (1951); David Hays (1964); and Mark Stanley (current production).

2pm-3pm EDT: Gamification in Live Events – Explore the Growing Possibilities

Dekkar Densham, a BlackTrax specialist and avid game-lover, takes you through an interactive discussion on the overlapping tracking applications for gamification and live entertainment. From the PacMan Super Bowl commercial to Nike Rise 2.0, discover what applications/logic are opened up thanks to the inclusion of BlackTrax. Dive briefly into how tracking is being used today for these elements, and how BlackTrax brings these applications to the next level. Register here.

USITT presents two brand new daily webinar series, "New@Noon" and "Forum@Four," as a way to provide those in the technical theatre and live entertainment industries with online education during this difficult time that would normally have been brought to you at their Conference and Stage Expo in Houston, which was cancelled.

     • New@Noon: OperaMap a virtual world where designers, producers, and presenters can collaborate in real-time using a uniform database of virtual assets.

     • Forum@Four: What is a Sound Associate? What is an associate designer? What is an assistant? Learn the difference and tricks of the trade. Presented by the Sound Design & Technology Commission, featuring Brad Berridge, Joanna Lynne Staub, and Brad Ward

AVIXA virtual events take place every day:

April 28 events include: Live Virtual Q&A: Essentials of AV, 11am in Singapore: For those in the Asia-Pacific region and currently studying Essentials of AV, are invited to join AVIXA for the Live Virtual Q&A. Attend this live Q&A session to get the most out of your Essentials of AV studies. Your AVIXA volunteer instructor will be available to answer your questions live. This Q&A Webinar is for all students currently enrolled in Essentials of AV. Led by Rod Brown, CTS - D, CTS - I

5pm: Alex Oliszewski, our media designer friend, reads live from the Harry Potter books via Facebook.


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