10 Futurists: Kanthi Ananthagopal

Our 10 Futurists series features designers, technologists, and visionaries who are changing the live entertainment industry. We start this month with Kanthi Ananthagopal, experiential designer with MODE Studios, who brings a new perspective encompassing her experience as a real-world architect and virtual artist to help define the next step for live entertainment.

Name: Kanthi Ananthagopal

Age: 27

City, State of residence: San Jose, California

Position/title: Experiential Designer

Current projects: Web3 Immersive Experiences

Most notable achievements: I think my greatest professional achievement is to be able to work with and learn from the experienced and industry veterans at MODE.

Date started in the industry: 2019

What attracted me to the industry: The opportunity to be able to create experiences that explore new ways to inspire audiences and influence cultures and communities. 

Professional influences: Stufish was my inspiration to seamlessly transition from architecture to entertainment.

Worst advice I've ever heard: "Pursue a sensible career" - I definitely raised many eyebrows switching careers but as long as you follow your passion, success and happiness will follow.

Best advice I've ever heard: Every individual you encounter has the ability to open up new doors for you, whether personally or professionally. Build good bridges!

My favorite thing about the industry: There's never a dull moment at work. All the effort pays off when you see your creation being enjoyed in real-time. 

Favorite design/programming/technical trick: My favorite visualization combo is Sketch-up and Photoshop for quick and dirty concept development.

Other interests/side gigs: My other interests include creating digital art and illustrations capturing memorable moments

Plans for the future: The future is promising and I'm very excited to dive deeper into creating Metaversal experiences and blurring the lines between virtual and reality.

Awards, honors: Recipient of the Lillian Disney Scholarship at CalArts

Organizations, memberships: TEA, IAAPA

Favorite social platform and accounts I follow: Instagram is my favorite platform to be able to connect and follow some amazing designers in the entertainment industry! Here are some of my favorites: 

@nicolemadethat  @_fran_rossi  @geo.jerm  @vartikaaa_97  @hashmukh