Get Involved With Behind The Scenes

Behind the Scenes, an initiative of the ESTA Foundation to provide industry members with financial support when they are seriously ill or injured, is now accepting applications for assistance. If you know of someone who needs financial assistance because they are seriously ill or have been injured, please let them know Behind the Scenes is now accepting applications for grants which can be used for medical or basic living expenses.

Anyone living in the US or Canada who has been employed for at least five years in the entertainment technology industry may qualify for support. This service includes working behind the scenes in performance venues or for dealers, manufacturers, production companies, consulting, and design firms, etc. directly involved in the entertainment technology industry. The individual does not need to be currently working in the industry as long as the time out of the industry is less than the total time worked in the industry. Immediate family members including spouses, domestic partners, and dependent children may also qualify for assistance. More information and the Application for Assistance are available on The ESTA Foundation website at

Behind The Scenes: How You Can Help

Launch A Fundraising Campaign: You never know when you or your co-worker might need help, so launching a workplace giving campaign offers everyone the chance to pitch in and help care for their colleagues. The ESTA Foundation’s Fundraising Coordinator Toolkit has everything needed to develop, launch, and maintain a fundraising campaign.

Other Fundraising Ideas:
Request donations to Behind The Scenes instead of gifts for parties, weddings, etc.: Lots of baby boomers are hitting big birthdays this year–you know, the ones with a big fat 0 at the end. One long-time industry veteran recently sent out invitations to his 50th birthday party that requested friends make contributions to Behind the Scenes in lieu of gifts.

Throw A Party: If you enjoy watching the Tony's with friends, why not turn the evening into a benefit for Behind the Scenes? That's what a group of companies and individuals are doing in New York on June 11th; they’re taking over a restaurant and getting together to cheer favorite shows on over drinks and dinner.

Behind the Scenes is made possible by contributions from industry members. Please consider making a donation today at and help us care for our own.