Tait Drops Drapes for Microsoft’s MGX 2017 Convention

For Immediate Release


TAIT drops their drapes for Microsoft’s MGX 2017 Convention

TAIT creates waterfall effect with Kabuki drapes at Microsoft’s MGX 2017 Convention

Thursday, July 21st, 2016 at Amway Center

ORLANDO, FL – Microsoft, once again, rocked out and celebrated its employees successes in epic fashion at this year’s Microsoft MGXFY17.  TAIT Towers, the company behind everything you’ve seen but never knew created, such as staging for world-wide tours like The Rolling Stones, U2, Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift, as well as, Vegas’ Omnia Chandelier, the Sochi Opening Olympic Ceremonies, and the spectacular Cirque Du Soleil shows, worked alongside Thinc, Inc., The Production Network and PBJS to create a larger-than-life and dramatic opening effect to unveil the 2016 Circle of Excellence Award winners at their national sales conference in Orlando, Florida.

Before announcing the Circle of Excellence Award winners, the Amway Center dimmed the lights, filled the arena with lit LED bracelets, began playing heavy-duty, guitar-influenced rock-n-roll music, and set off a brilliant pyrotechnic display. As the energy and excitement continued to pervade, the attention shifted towards center stage. Spotlights flashed, and five, 80 foot tall, red polysilk drapes, descended to the beat of the music and hung in a long rectangle with the Circle of Excellence Award logo displayed on the center. As the music intensified, fireworks erupted around the drapes. In the blink of an eye and on cue to the music, the red drapes swiftly moved at different intervals creating a visual waterfall-like-effect, then disappeared above, to reveal the 140 Circle of Excellence Award winners who were standing behind the drapes.

The distinctly branded red Microsoft kabuki drapes consisted of approximately 90 Kabuki Solenoid release rigs. Additionally, there were 7 Snifter Units that had 24 inch drums with a motor to power the display. The units, on cue, were able to release the drapes then reverse them back into the drum to give the illusion that they disappeared into thin air.  

Additionally, the Kabuki Solenoids and Snifter Units were controlled and operated with TAIT Navigator, TAIT’s proprietary automation system. This unparalleled control allowed for the precise timing and sequencing needed to showcase the spectacular waterfall effect.

Microsoft MGXFY17 was an epic success. The larger-than-life and dramatic opening effect for the 2016 Circle of Excellence Award winners was a “can’t miss moment.” We can’t wait until next year!

About TAIT Towers

TAIT is the World Market Leader in staging, scenic design, LED integration, show control and automated rigging. The company designs, constructs & delivers the finest live equipment in the world from world tour stages to kinetic structures. With incredible growth through the years and with TAIT’s proprietary software automation system, it has become the go-to company for all things technology, engineering, design, manufacturing and rigging.

Founded in Pennsylvania, in 1978, TAIT has expanded globally with offices around the world. Boasting a workforce of more than 600 employees, TAIT employs a passionate team of experts in manufacturing, engineering, design, technology and innovation, all of whom understand set and stage creation in its entirety. TAIT approaches projects with a philosophy that the spectacle of the opening night is equally important as a quick, safe and efficient load-out.

Among its claims to fame, TAIT supplied the staging for nineteen of the top twenty highest grossing artist tours of all time including The Rolling Stones, Taylor Swift and Madonna. TAIT also supplied LED integration and customization for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Sochi Olympics, engineered and fabricated the Las Vegas’ Omnia Nightclub Chandelier, and was the production specialist that partnered with US space agency, NASA, to put the lyrics of U2’s 'Beautiful Day' into orbit


Mia Tinari, Global Head of Marketing + Communications, TAIT, [email protected]

Kierston Powell, Marketing Coordinator, TAIT,  [email protected]

Photo Credit: PBJS
