Telectra Changes Name to Beadlight Ltd

Effective March 1, Telectra Ltd. changes its name to Beadlight Ltd. There has been no change in the company ownership, management or trading style.

This name change reflects more accurately the nature of the company’s business, including the fact that the majority of products that the company designs, engineers, manufactures, and markets utilize its proprietary intellectual property, Bead*light® Technologies (patent-pending). In particular, the Bead*light® LED (Light Emitting Diode) diffusion system is used in the company’s principal markets: events, TV, and entertainment lighting.

The address and telephone contact for UK-based Beadlight Ltd. remains the same.

The website and email addresses will migrate to a new beadlight domain over the next few months, though current Telectra addresses will continue to function for the foreseeable future.

Accounts held in the name of Telectra Ltd. need to be amended with immediate effect as the company will no longer be able to accept invoices addressed to Telectra after March 1.