Philips Named Energy Star 2002 Partner of the Year

The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy have named Philips Lighting Company an Energy Star Partner of the Year for its commitment to making and promoting energy-efficient products that save money on energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The company's environmental initiatives include public relations, participation in Energy Star programs, and educating consumers about energy-efficient products. The Philips Lighting Formula — An Energy Blueprint for the Nation was a major component of Philips' educational efforts in 2001, and one of the primary reasons Philips was selected for this award. This living experiment illustrated how simply replacing lighting products with energy-efficient options saved up to 45% of lighting-related electricity costs on a single block in Berkeley, CA.

Philips has also been involved in many environmental initiatives and organizations, including Rebuild America with the Department of Energy, advocating State and Federal energy-efficiency programs, and several California-specific programs like the “Flex Your Power” program, created by California governor Gray Davis to encourage energy conservation.