letters to the editor

Behind the Mask

I am writing to express my frustration with your magazine on two points.

First, I was disappointed that the article on the Tantalus production in Denver [February 2001] did not describe more thoroughly the directorial and design choices in the masks. For someone unfamiliar with mask design, it would have been informative for your readers to describe the influences and purpose behind the look. I am also annoyed that you did not mention the head of the Denver Center Theatre's costume crafts department, Kevin Copenhaver, whose mask work has enhanced many a production there.

Second, as I was looking for your email address, I read your editor's note. It is clear that you do not care for the style of theatre represented by your cover photo — “masks, blood: oh, the drama!” That is your prerogative. But you also seem to be apologizing for including articles that may be of interest to costume, prop, wig, and makeup people — “Another nod to the old Theatre Crafts.” If your magazine is only for sound and lighting people, please change the title.
Deborah Glassberg

Editor's Note: On the contrary, I was not apologizing but rather celebrating the amazing diversity of the March issue, a feat we endeavor to repeat each month in the pages of ED. As for the masks, the article did discuss how they were made; because Tantalus is a Greek tragedy, the directorial choice of masks seemed self-evident. And just so you know, I dig the Greeks.

Pass It On

ED is an EXCELLENT publication — one I am happy/pleased to pass on to my friends in the business. Thank you.
Lamar Bloodworth Webster Productions Inc.