and now for something COMPletely different

…Well, maybe not completely different, but this is certainly not your mother's Lighting Dimensions (unless, of course, she wears combat boots, obsesses about light, and listens to an iPod, in which case, this may be right up her alley). So, let's dispense with any clichés about being “new and improved” and get down to business.

We've worked our tails off to bring you this theatre-focused, technology-packed issue, and we haven't left a stone unturned for the ultimate gear fanatic. Get a load of the most comprehensive look at media servers yet, brought to you by enthusiasts of all things tech, Bob and Colleen Bonniol. We're also bringing you a host of first-hand accounts of renovating, designing, programming, and teching, rounded out by loads of tools and advice for your wired sensibility, from LEDs to lighting scrim.

Lending their unique viewpoints to this inaugural redesign issue are guest columnists: programmer Rob Halliday and an undisputed heavyweight of lighting design (in reputation, not pounds), Willie Williams.

There's something in here for everyone — tools, technology, trendsetters, and talk — as there will be in the months to come. We intend to keep pace with the momentum of the industry and reflect that back to you each month.

So, now that you know we think we're fabulous, what do you think?
Marian Sandberg-Dierson,

Most magazines take up to a year to undergo a re-evaluation and re-design; due to market conditions, not to mention our own unbridled excitement, we cranked out this sleek new LD in a matter of months. What you're holding is the result of myriad discussions we've had with designers, programmers, technicians, manufacturers, and dealers, who indicated they were looking for a book dedicated exclusively to entertainment lighting that went beyond the old Project+Credits Box+Equipment List formula, one that was visually stimulating and intellectually challenging, and one that emphasized technology, viewpoints, design issues, and, of course, gear, gear, gear.

Ladies and gentlemen, your table is ready. We've broken the new LD down into four key areas: Tools, Trendsetters, Talk, and Technology. As Marian notes above, you'll find all four in this month's issue, which is focused on theatre; look for similar extended coverage of concerts, themed entertainment, and the international market in upcoming issues. Our goal each month: to provide you with the information you need to do your jobs better, a roadmap for success, or better yet, a blueprint for lighting culture.
David Johnson,
Associate Publisher/Editorial Director