drafting in disguise

Next week I am teaching a workshop called Vectorworks for Theatre. As I sit here, planning out the details of what I will teach each day (the workshop is 4 hours a day for 3 consecutive days) I realize what I am really teaching is a drafting course for theatre. We just happen to be using a mouse instead of a pencil and the vectorworks program instead of a piece of vellum on a drafting table. I find that students are quick to figure out how to use the tools and features of the program but what they don't know and won't get from the program is a knowledge of drafting conventions. For example, I will need to introduce them to the concept of how the thickness and the type of a line provides important information to the people interpreting the set plan or light plot, how proper use of notes and dimensions can save time and money in the scenic shop, etc. There is an art to drafting that I worry could get lost in the great world of computer aided drafting programs. I am trying to wrap the teaching of this art, this craft, into the teaching of the program. I would love to hear from others who are teaching drafting about how they are (or aren't) incorporating cad programs into their drafting classes. Anyone?